showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescriptionauthor(s)
Another World  Interplay (Delphine)1992[media=youtube][/media]***
[29]***You play Lester, the young physics professor, who suddenly finds himself in a strange alien world after lightning strikes his particle experiment. This game is really OUT OF THIS WORLD!!***
Eric Chahi
Prince of Persia NCS Masaya (Arsys Software)1992
[37]***Japanese version
The introduction scene is shorter in the USA version causing the soundtrack to obviously become unsynchronized where the scene was cut. The full scene shows the hero being tortured and is featured in the Japanese version. The rest of the tags are common to the Apple ][ version and are detailed on that version's page.
Flashback: The Quest for Identity Sony;US Gold (Delphine)1993The year is 2142. The planet is Titan... Playing the role of Conrad B. Hart, a confused young man with a memory loss, you must escape your enemies and find your missing girlfriend. FLASHBACK: THE QUEST FOR IDENTITY is chock full of slick animations, superb sounds and tons of atmosphere.***
[27]***Rather simple but effective scenario: the game begins with your escape from a base but your guards catch up with you and cut down your vehicle and you awake in the jungle, amnesic. You find a message recorded by you but you do not remember it.
Your prime objective is to find a friend who will be able to help you.
Eric Chahi
Paul Cuisset
BlackThorne  Interplay;Virgin;Kemco (Blizzard)1994After years of awaiting his destiny on Earth, Kyle Blackthorne has finally come home to face the galaxy's most terrifying mutant monsters and goblin hordes. With brute strength, animal cunning and a lead-spewing shotgun he's on a quest to reclaim his once peaceful Planet Tuul. Surrounded by enemies and confronting danger at every turn, Blackthorne's commando training and survival skills are put to the ultimate death-defying test in this brutally savage land. So prepare to enter Blackthorne's world and blast your way through one of the most intense, challenging games ever.***
[29]***Very dark game, as you can see on screenshots. Close to 'Flashback' or 'Prince of Persia'. You have to save human beings against orcs that take your race in slavery.
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame Titus1996[quote=Wikipedia]has some missing features and lacks several stages, including the last one.[/quote] labelimageminimize